Men’s Ministry

Weekly Bible studies for men of all ages

Monday nights 6:30-8:00pm

Alignment is defined as being arranged in the correct or appropriate relative position to be in agreement or in an alliance to something or someone.  God has given men a large responsibility in regards to our relationship to Him, ourselves, our families, our church, and ultimately the whole world.  Unfortunately men have failed miserably and the results are evidenced by looking at the many problems that exist in our world on a day to day basis.  In almost every problem and issue that we face in the family, churches, and communities it can be traced back to there not being a properly aligned man to lead, guide, and to simply take on their God appointed duties and responsibilities.  I have personally been on both sides of this alignment and I can attest that God’s way is the best and only way to a life that is living up to it’s capacity.

There is good news!  God has already given you all of the tools that you could ever need to be the man that He intends for you to be.  Wherever you are and whatever you are going through the answer is found by ALIGNING with the creator of the universe.  He has a plan for you and all He wants is a conduit to work through and that conduit is you.  I’ve learned that it really is that simple.

We are offering an opportunity to join with other men to learn from and grow in God’s Word.  In I Corinthians 16:13 Paul tells us to “be alert, stand in faith, act like men, and be strong.”.  My desire is for men to use this ministry to grow in their faith, assume their responsibilities, grow, and become stronger together, ultimately moving closer to everything God expects us to be.  There is no limit to what God can do through us if we get ourselves properly aligned. 

I would love to see you at our studies, fellowships, and serving opportunities.  And guess what?  You may make a new friend along the way as well!  Please reach out to me at anytime using the link to the left if you have any questions, suggestions, or comments.  I look forward to seeing you and being a part of how God uses the men of Community Life to change hearts, families, our church and ultimately the world.  

Remember guys, Joshua 24:15 says “as for me and my house”.  It starts with ME.
