Newborn - 6th Grade
Sunday Mornings - 9:45am
We know you want to know that your child is safe, no matter where they are. That's our goal every week. We want you to experience and enjoy a worship service knowing that your child is in good hands. Every child who enters into our hallway is required to check in at our kids welcome center. This allows us to know the important information about your child: any allergies or special needs, parent contact information, and their classroom location. Our hallway doors remain closed and locked during the service and we have a security team monitoring the area to make sure everyone in our hallway has a purpose.
Every adult serving with Community Life Kids has passed a background check and is working towards being CPR and first-aid certified. Our Green Team members strive to be a positive influence to your children, and we take time every week as a group to share praises, pray, sing, and play!
If you have idea, concerns, or questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to me. You can contact us by clicking the “contact us” button above.
Our priority is your children: to teach them the Word of God, to keep them safe, and to have fun!